Corporate Concierge Services
The health of your team members directly correlates with their overall performance.
Our goal is to keep your team healthy at the corporate level to decrease undue sick leaves, or the worries of the health of your integral team members by bringing the “doctor” to you either physically or via Telehealth. All evaluations will be performed on site. This minimizes the interruptions in workflow by eliminating the need for unnecessary commute or an excused absence.
In addition to providing basic care to your employees (especially when it is getting harder to get prompt appointments with primary care physicians), we also ensure enhanced communication with their primary care physicians to make sure that the care your employees receive are optimal.
Executive Wellness Preventive Plan
Comprehensive executive history and physical examination
Comprehensive laboratory tests
Baseline EKG
Body composition measurements
Strength and endurance testing
Risk factors profile determination
Determination of preventative screening required
Wellness and Mental health assessment
Corporate Direct Care Plan
7am-7pm services
Unlimited telehealth for urgent care needs
Unlimited appointments for urgent care needs
Diagnostic laboratory studies needed
Diagnostic imaging studies (X-rays only; CT-Scans additional cost)
Advanced labs (additional cost)
Supplemental testing (additional cost)
Pricing depends on the number of employees.