5 Pillars To Health

Many people feel overwhelmed by life’s unforgiving pace, pressures and unrealistic expectations about what success and happiness look like.

Can you relate? It’s no wonder why so many men experience exhaustion, form unhealthy habits and short-change their passions and purpose.

Platinum Men’s Health helps men to discover their unique makeup, understand their distinct wellness challenges and opportunities, and practice healthy decision-making that produces transformative results for all areas of life. Our patients/clients experience renewed clarity, energy, and confidence to live life to the fullest. We are committed to focusing on your overall wellbeing by keeping you whole. 

Our philosophy and approach emphasizes the five dimensions of personal wholeness or wellbeing.

The 5 Pillars of Wellbeing

  • Physical

    This is the maintenance of a healthy quality of life that allows the completion of activities of daily living without undue fatigue or physical stress. It includes taking care of our bodies and recognizing that our daily habits and behaviors have a significant impact on our overall health, wellbeing and quality of life.

  • Emotional

    This is about managing thoughts and feelings to prevent a negative impact on behavior. Having good emotional health is important as it affects all aspects of our daily lives. Good emotional health is about feeling positive about daily life and work and having good relationships with family and friends.

  • Mental

    Mental health describes a state of well-being that can be achieved when an individual can realize his or her own unique abilities, can successfully cope with the normal stresses of everyday life, can work productively in their professional life and is able to make a meaningful contribution to his or her community.

  • Spiritual

    Spiritual wellbeing describes the ability to experience and integrate meaning and purpose into our lives through a connectedness with self, others art, music, literature, nature, or a power greater than oneself. It describes the relationship that our inner life has with the larger community and world.

  • Social

    This refers to the ability to make and maintain meaningful positive relationships and regular contact with other people in our world – family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. The overarching goal is to help men achieve a balanced well-being state that allows for healthy and purposeful living.